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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Pit Fiend for Savage worlds.

Pit Fiend

Pit Fiends are a blight. They destroy and build breeding pits in the ashes. Each pit can produce 3-5 new Fiends.
Each new Fiend will then move on and destroy and build a pit of its own. Pits are formed from death and destruction, equal parts ash and remains of the fiends many victims.

Pit fiends stand around 6' tall and weigh about 350lbs.
Average wingspan is 5' across.

Before ever seeing a fiend the smell of sulfer and ash is always present. The same can be said about a breeding pit with the added smell of putrid flesh. If they feel threatened they may band together in small groups. Even heavily armored units can fall to a few determined fiends.

Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, Tracking d6
Pace 6 (flying 12), Parry 6, Toughness 8 (2),
Natural weapons 2d6 claws (heavy weapons), tough hide armor (heavy armor). Spit fireball 6/8/10 (small template) 3d6 fire.


  1. These seem underpowered... but of course my only other reference is D&D where they are one step short of demigods.

    1. They are not super powerful, not like D&D fiends. Think more something that would show up on supernatural. On that level 3-4 of them assending on a group of soldiers in the jungle should be terrifying.

    2. They are not super powerful, not like D&D fiends. Think more something that would show up on supernatural. On that level 3-4 of them assending on a group of soldiers in the jungle should be terrifying.

  2. Well...they have heavy armor and heavy weapon claws, so even though ther're not demigods, they're not pussies either.


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