I really wish I had more time to do a full review of the CKG. One thing I can say is this is a great book and an example of the kind of great work being done by the trolls over at troll lord games.
The more I read over castles and crusades the more I love it. Its become more and more my go to system for fantasy. Its got an old school sensibility with new OGL inspired math. Making it cross compatible with most every thing else I think is good.
A sample of what you will find in the CKG: (From the troll lord website)
- Alternative methods of attribute generation
- The featured classes expanded to the 24th level
- Equipment: outfitting for a setting, saving throws, usage, costs
- Expansion on the Magic with components, spell costs, holy symbols, water, and more
- The NPC: how to run them, hire them, loyalty and more
- Monsters and Magic as NPCs
- The Crusade in the future: guns, canon and more
- The World Above: over view of outdoor campaigns
- The World Below: over view of underground campaigns
- The Characters, gaining levels, land and more treasure
- The Siege Engine, breaking it down for your table
- Character death. The end should not be the end
The CKG is the perfect expansion to everyone’s table.